In Robots en AI ontdek je hoe deze technologische wonderen ons dagelijks leven beïnvloeden en waarom ze zelfs onmisbaar zijn geworden. Met levendige infographics en activiteiten die je uitnodigen om zelf deze technologische wereld te verkennen.
Dit boek zit boordevol verbazingwekkende feiten. Word een totale bolleboos die weet welke vieze en enge klussen alleen robots kunnen doen, hoe nanobots ziektemakers opsporen in ons lichaam en waarom zelfrijdende auto’s levens redden. Test je technische kennis en bouw zelf een grijpgrage robothand of een mechanische springkikker. Ga op ontdekkingsreis in de wereld van robots!
English description
In Robots en AI you will discover how these technological wonders influence our daily lives and why they have even become indispensable. With lively infographics and activities that invite you to explore this technological world yourself.
This book is packed with interesting facts. Become an expert who knows which dirty and scary jobs only robots can do, how nanobots detect pathogens in our bodies and why self-driving cars save lives. Test your technical knowledge and build a grabby robot hand or a mechanical jumping frog yourself. Go on a journey of discovery in the world of robots!
Measures 22,2 x 28,2 cm
Counts 80 pages
Features full-color illustrations
Features hardcover
Suitable for ages 8
Boycott Books x Misc Store Amsterdam
Boycott Books, founded in 2018 by Jan and Rosa Bernhard-Popelar, publishes a diverse range of picture books for the Dutch-speaking and learning public. All of their books are printed in Europe on top quality certified sustainable paper.
Their books are distinctive, exceptionally illustrated and contain smart concepts. In this way, children come into contact with different visual imagery languages and a variety of subjects. Above all, each book greatly stimulates the imagination of young readers.